with Dr. Joy
Last updated at 2021.03.05
A research team dedicated for Dr. Joy content

We understand that the recent surge of information about the COVID-19 vaccines can be very overwhelming. It is difficult to sift through so much content on your own.
We’re here to help you!
As graduate students of Biomedical Communication at the University of Toronto, we've leveraged our specilialized training to bring to you an interactive experience to help demystify common concerns regarding COVID-19 vaccines.

Hi there! I’m Dr. Joy, a local family doctor. I’m on break right now and would love to have a chat with you to help answer your questions.
As someone who’s already gotten the vaccine, it’s no suprise that I would strongly recommend that you get it too

My coworkers and I believe in these vaccines and we’ve all taken it, due to our daily exposure to COVID-19
I understand that the amount of information out there is overwhelming, especially with the recent approval of 2 new COVID-19 vaccines in North America

and despite the speed of all this new information, there are things that we can’t yet confirm

because new studies like those from Israel and Scotland haven’t been reviewed by the scientific or medical community yet
in the meantime, you can look through the links that I’ve provided to learn more about areas that interest you

or come back so that we can chat again and update you on new info
If you want to chat with a real virtual meeting with a health care professional or scientists, you can click here.

Further Information
Vaccine Chat References

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Vaccine Chat References
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